16 Color
Online pixel art animation app and community. Over 40,000 movies were created over a 5 year period. Two movie screenings, "God Save The Pixel" and "Blood, Sweat, and Pixels", at the Alamo Drafthouse in Austin, TX and "The Best of 16 Color" DVD produced.

- Server administration
- Apache
- Shockwave
- Perl
Amazon: Buy "The Best of 16 Color" DVD or watch the trailer
2002 Summit for Youth Technology Leaders: Best Conference Presentation
2001 RES Magazine's RES 10/Ten to Watch in 2001
2000 SXSW Web Award: Best Community of Designers
2000 SXSW Web Award: Most Innovative Use of Medium
2000 USA Today Hot Site
2000 Cool Site of the Night
1999 Project Cool Sighting
1999 Yahoo's Cool Links + Daily Pick
1999 Shockwave Site of the Day
2001 RES Magazine, RES 10/Ten to Watch in 2001, Vol. 4, No. 2"In 1999 Watts carved out 16Color.com, where fledgling animators can download a free user-friendly workshop software called 16 Color Studio..."
2001 Austin Chronicle, "Graffiti on the Superhighway: The Enigma of Visual Art Made for the Internet", December 28, 2001
"My creation turns out to require a little post-production; the seven frames tumble together so fast that test audiences have found the tragic and comic elements difficult to distinguish."
2001 Austin Chronicle, "Short Cuts: You may remember reading about local Web-based animator Alan Watts in this space from time to time, but you're about to be hearing a lot more about him.", April 13, 2001
"Geez, does this guy ever sleep?"
2001 Austin Chronicle, "Short Cuts", February 16, 2001
"The unstoppable Alan Watts (www.16color.com) has a new project in the works, but unlike the local animator's previous online outings, this one is less about animation per se than it is about the joy of making other people look silly."
2001 Austin Chronicle, Short Cuts, January 26, 2001
"...the man behind the popular "animate it your own damn self!" site www.16color.com...."
2000 The Japan Times, "Get Shorty", March 29, 2000
"It’s simple, ephemeral stuff, never coming to a theater near you, but that doesn’t make it any less significant. Many are entertaining cinematic haiku."
2000 Adobe Magazine, "Hip 2 B Square", October 2, 2000
"Perhaps the most pixelated place online is 16 Color Cinema, an increasingly popular destination for lovers of lower resolutions."
2000 Austin Chronicle, "Win, Lose, or Draw 16 Color's Alan Watts Is Helping People Create or Procrastinate", August 18, 2000
"What Watts' site offers, I found, is an incredibly user-friendly template for people interested in making short (15 seconds), Web-based animations. His press release says it best: "Alan Watts dreams of ways to help people procrastinate." You don't know the half of it."
2000 KVUE-TV, "Click Here", August 2, 2000
"It's probably third, or second, funnest thing."
1999 Baltimore City Paper / Kansas City Pitch / Now Toronto, "Big biz rubs out Web-A-Sketch", by Joab Jackson, April 21, 1999
"And 'this time,' he exults, 'they can't sue me!'"
1999 Austin American-Statesman, "Watch your back! Lawyers might be drawn to your site", by Gregory Kallenberg, April 15, 1999
"Watts is an Internet gadfly extraordinaire, a Web designer with a knack for developing projects that seem to attract lawsuits"
2003 Barton Hills Elementary 4-6 grades : 6 45-minute "Animation Using 16 Color" classes.
2002 Summit for Youth Technology Leaders, "Animation Using 16 Color Workshop"
2002 Gallery Lombardi, Electricity and Me, "The Economy of Procrastination"
2001 Alamo Drafthouse,"God Save The Pixel" and "Blood, Sweat and Pixels" Premieres, August 20, 2001
2001 Austin Public Libraries: Wired for Youth Centers, "Making Animations With 16 Color"
1999 University of Texas Lecture Series
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